Stoke Climsland Neighbourhood Plan


Some time ago the Parish Council started to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for our area. Good progress was being made before the Pandemic brought things to a halt. Now we need to take the work forward to a successful conclusion. To do that we needed to know what our community thinks are the issues in 2024 so we launched a short survey to find that out.

The closing date for comments was 13th May 2024. A report on the comments received is available to view here:

The concept of Development Boundaries attracted particular attention. As part of the work to refresh the draft Neighbourhood Plan, the original Development Boundary Assessment has been reviewed, based on the 2001 NCDC Development Boundaries, updated to take account of the latest Cornwall Council guidance, case law on gardens as ‘previously developed land’, detailed examination of site planning histories around the Parish’s settlements, and representations made through the Community Engagement Refresh survey 2024. As a result the boundary at Luckett has been revised.

.To find out more on the issues behind them please see this report: Development Boundary Assessment Review .

You can see the drop-in display here: DISPLAY

You can find a zoomable map of the villages here: ZOOMABLE MAP

  • Please note that the NDP and its evidence base, which are written taking into account consultations up to 2020, are all in draft and are of no official status at this stage.
  • We will rewrite the Plan in the light of the latest community engagement and consultations, and changes in Cornwall Council and National Planning Policy.
  • We’ll then publish a new draft of the Plan for community consultation, this summer 2024, before submitting it to Cornwall Council.
  • Please click on the headings in the menu above to access the draft documents.